UI / UX Designs


UI / UX Design

What Is UI/UX design

“UI” stands for “user interface”. It is associated with improving the graphical representation and layout of any platform. UI consists of various visual elements such as buttons, texts, images, layouts, animations, and every single detail that makes the app or a website more interesting. The UI designers plan and decide how the application will look for the end-user. Good UI adds delight to the end-user experience..

“UX” stands for “user experience”. The user experience is all about the user’s interaction with the application. It determines the experience of the user – whether it is smooth enough to carry out the required functionality. The UX designer has the priority to make the users feel that they are accomplishing their tasks without any challenges. There is a misconception that UI/UX design is the same. But UI and UX actually focus on two different aspects. The UI design is the approach to product design, on the other hand, UX design is the experience of the product..

Our UI/UX Services

Our UI/UX consulting services are a great fit for start-ups and businesses that desire to create a good quality product with a great user experience. The services provided by Mindbowser offer UI and UX for mobile as well as web platforms. The application of the designs reflects in the creation, organization, and features inserted in the projects.

We work closely with you to understand your end goals and find out the optimal path to reach the same. Our process is highly collaborative and iterative in nature where we take up design hypotheses and test them with real users. Whether it is mobile applications, desktops, or web applications, our design consultant will work with you to make the user experience better. Our UI/UX consultant services have helped 1500+ customers to launch successful products and brands over the years..

How Do We Work?

Mindbowser’s UI/UX design consultants work around the Design Sprint framework. The Design Sprint is a Google methodology to find solutions to design-related problems. It applies the planning and process to develop the design of a project or service that would result in greater ease for the product. The designing process of the Mindbowser has the day-by-day segregation of tasks;

Step 1: Map

The Map stage outlines the goals of the product and how users can achieve the goals.  During the Mapping phase, we understand the journey(s) of the user and how they can get from the start point to the end goal. We build a path for the user that helps us understand the user flow and ideas on how the user flow can be optimized. 

Step 2: Sketch 

Here’s where all the ideas and alternative solutions come to the desk. The team studies the alternatives closely. The team has a series of brainstorming sessions to iterate on the concept. All the possible solutions are noted with the actions needed for it. Sketching the ideas and keeping them against each other makes it possible to compare, narrow down the solutions and choose the best fit. 

Step 3: Decide 

After having the options hand, it’s time to decide.  Various factors such as the user’s needs, persona are taken into consideration. The team votes on the features guided by our design team. Features are voted on Must have, Good to have, and Could have basis. Post the process the design team put all the learnings together. We then create the information architecture to define the flow of processes and features needed. Information architecture is a flowchart combining all the features and flow together in a 2D format. It gives a brief description of how the product is going to be. 

Step 4: Prototype 

The next step is where implementation comes into the process The product is prototyped into a Wireframe form. This is where you get the complete representation of your product. . Having a high fidelity mockup s always the best way to get feedback on different levels. Eventually, the mockup act as the guideline for development plans and developers.

What Is A UI/UX Consultant?

UI/UX consultant is a designer who looks out for the user experience aspect of your business. With UI/UX consulting, you are going to be able to have a design advantage for your businesses. A UX consultant will analyze the challenges that businesses face and design an interface that focuses on the user’s journey. As compared to traditional UI designers, UX experts analyze the business scenarios and user persona accordingly. Their work gives you insights that help you to solve design problems like which interface works better or what features the end-user would like.. The application of the designs reflects in the creation, organization, and features inserted in the projects.

User experience is the core of digital transformation. A consultant can create a strong user experience and interfaces through creative UI/UX designs. They can provide greater insights that can help your business to evolve with aspects like greater user stickiness and habit-forming products. Many challenges such as agility in process, user-centric design, and collaborating digital technologies are often faced by businesses. Therefore, UI/UX consultants can come up with efficient solutions and endorse best practices.

Meet Our UI UX Consultant Expertices

Our UI/UX consulting expert Vishvajit has rich experience in handling the challenges of different ventures and start-ups. He has developed great solutions for 20+ start-ups. The UI/UX practices at Mindbowser have been led by Vish for the last 8 years. .

As a UI/ UX consultant, Vish will be helping you make the right choices around designs. He will be assisting you in analyzing, prototyping, and testing different solutions. This will help you in enabling a valuable user experience for your product. Our expert will provide you with the required guidance and answer any doubts related to the UI/UX process.